Morena Baccarin is four months pregnant & plans to marry Ben McKenzie

On Friday, we discussed the hot mess that is Morena Baccarins romantic life. Morena married Austin Chick (seen in the photo above) a few years ago and they have a 1-year-old son together. Austin filed for divorce in late June, and as we now know, it was because Morena was bangin her Gotham costar, Benjamin


On Friday, we discussed the hot mess that is Morena Baccarin’s romantic life. Morena married Austin Chick (seen in the photo above) a few years ago and they have a 1-year-old son together. Austin filed for divorce in late June, and as we now know, it was because Morena was bangin’ her Gotham costar, Benjamin McKenzie. Not only did Morena cheat on her husband with her costar, she also got pregnant by McKenzie when she was still very much married to Chick. In fact, it’s looking more and more like her pregnancy is one of the big reasons why Chick filed for divorce in the first place. Morena was photographed last week with her bump on full display, and hand to God, she looks about four to five months along. Do that math!

Anyway, the side story to all of this is that Austin Chick and Morena still aren’t divorced and they’ve been fighting over custody of their son. Now that the McKenzie Baby is out of the bag, Chick is using Morena’s affair in the custody dispute:

“Gotham” star Morena Baccarin is rubbing her estranged husband’s nose in her affair with co-star Ben McKenzie, to the point the husband came home and found Ben freshly showered, playing with his son. Baccarin and Austin Chick have been locked in a custody battle over their 1-year-old son. Chick says the boy is in a confusing, unhealthy environment, pointing to an incident in August — 2 months after he filed for divorce — saying he came home to get his stuff and found Ben “had just taken a shower and he was playing with my son.”

Chick says Morena has told him she’s 3 1/2 months pregnant, and he says in the legal docs, “This places the moment of conception right in the first week of June, 2015, the time she was telling me she wanted to work on our marriage and well before we stopped sharing a bed.” In previous legal docs, Morena has claimed they were already talking about separating in March.

[From TMZ]

Letting your jumpoff shower in your husband’s bathroom? Yikes. I think if Chick really wanted to go to war with Morena, he has more than enough ammo. But for now, the judge says that Morena and Austin will have joint custody, with Morena taking over primary custody of the kid in New York City for now.

Oh, and Morena has now told the court that she’s moving on with her new baby-daddy and they plan to marry. On September 11, Morena informed the court: “Today, I am in a new committed relationship. I am planning to re-marry. Also, I am three-and-a-half months pregnant.” Entertainment Tonight’s sources also say that Morena’s affair with Ben has been going on for a while, and that Ben visited Morena in Vancouver in March-May while she was filming Deadpool. I kind of wonder… do you think Ben is down with Morena telling the court that they will be getting married? It’s moving pretty fast, I’m just saying. So messy.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

